Many of you have heard about our Adoption Ambassadors. These life-saving volunteers take pets who, for one reason or another, are not adjusting to shelter life well (either they’re too scared, cannot relax, or have some behavioral issues) and they foster them for however long it takes for a family to find them.
Rico had the forture of ending up in a wonderful foster home who did everything they could to help him find happiness. And, their hard work paid off! Just read this Shelter Success Story from Rico’s new mom and dad!
Do you have a shelter success story of your own? Please click here or you can email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Shelter Success Story.”
“Good afternoon,
My name is Monica M. and my husband, Keith, and I adopted a very nervous little two year old pup named Rico from the Humane Society just a few short weeks ago. We have plenty of experience with dogs of all sizes and thought he could benefit from the crew we now call our family.
It was serendipity. I had seen this foster’s picture on-line, but had not been able to get any further information on him, so at first we over-looked him. We lived two hours north of the shelter but had not seen any smaller dogs that fit the bill for our crew close to home, so decided to travel south and see if any shelters had pups. Though we found a few candidates as we traveled, we found that we lived too far north to allow adoption as no shelter was willing to make a home visit that far north, and wouldn’t make an adoption without one. So we continued on, finally landing at the Humane Society on Griffin Road from where we had adopted before when we lived in Pompano, and twice again years later.
As we waited with our tired crew in the lobby (we brought our dogs for a possible meet and greet since we lived so far away and hoped it would be a possibility – just in case), my husband went into a room to see a possible puppy candidate. That’s when Rico appeared with his foster Mommy. The scheduled meeting between Rico and potential adoptees had not gone to plan and nervous little Rico had not been adopted. I was soooo excited. This was our chance to see the lovely little guy I’d originally wanted but had overlooked!!
Kindly, staff allowed the meet and greet which went very well. And the puppy my husband was supposed to see was adopted by the couple in line before us! The message couldn’t be more clear. Rico was supposed to be ours.
Though we were advised Rico didn’t like car rides and had a problem with men, he fell asleep in the car seat sitting next to my husband on the two-hour ride home, and Velcro-ed himself to my husband ever since! He’s been a fantastic addition to our family and has adjusted very well since he has been here.
While it’s evident he’s been through some trauma, he’s really coming around in leaps and bounds and is a very affectionate dog with all after some careful greet time. Attached are some photos to show you how well he’s doing!
Thanks for having faith in us, and faith in him. We couldn’t love him more!!
We have changed his name from Rico to Ignatz Pup (Iggy Pup).
So here’s Iggy Pup at play…lol.
Love to all,
Keith and Monica M.”