Volunteers of the Humane Society of Broward County
HSBC volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. Your helping hands and boundless generosity make our mission possible and keep our animals loved and happy until they find their forever home. Our staff and animals are eager to welcome you to our volunteer family. Thank you for your interest, time and dedication. We are inspired daily by your smiles and giving spirit!
The process for becoming an adult volunteer is as follows:
- A brief description of each volunteer position can be found below under “Volunteer Roles”.
- With the exception of the Teen Volunteer Opportunities, these positions are for adults 18 and over.
- Once you determine which position you’d like to apply for, proceed to the Volunteer Position of Interest and Orientation Form to check for availability.
- When you’ve found the open position that you’d like to apply for, fill out the form and submit.
- You will be asked to choose a position and schedule that works best for you. You will also be able to sign up for an upcoming orientation.
- When registering, you will be asked for a $40 non-refundable fee that will help offset the cost of the mandatory background check, uniform shirt, security card and lanyard. Please make sure you are ready to commit prior to paying this fee.
Please choose ONE position. Choosing multiple positions will result in your registration being voided.
- Orientations for shelter volunteer positions are offered monthly at our shelter.
- Once your desired position and orientation form is received, you will be sent a confirmation email that locks in your position and provides information about the orientation. Attendance is mandatory and is the first step for any on-site volunteer position in our shelter.
- After attending the orientation, you will be sent a link to the volunteer application and a mandatory multi-state criminal background check authorization.
- For foster positions, send an email expressing interest to [email protected]. Please confirm that you are 18 or over when inquiring. An email with a link to an online video orientation and an assessment will be sent.
Shelter Volunteers
- When the completed application is received after orientation, the Director of Volunteer Services will process the information in our volunteer database, and then contact you when information is complete, all requested information is received and the criminal background check is returned clear.
- For shelter positions, you will then be contacted by your department’s supervisor for training, or scheduled for on-the-job training. Each position varies. Training may take place on a day other than your regularly scheduled shift.
- Once training is complete, you’re ready to start your exciting journey as a Humane Society of Broward County volunteer.
Foster Families
- Foster applications will be processed and routed directly to the foster teams.
- You will be notified when the application process is complete.
Volunteer Roles

Teen Volunteer Opportunities
We offer an on-site program for teens in high school, ages 16 to 17. Registration for the program opens in November and remains open until all positions for the following year are full. We are currently at capacity for the current year and are no longer accepting names for the waitlist.

Photographer and Photo Assistants
Get up close and have fun taking high-quality photographs of animals for the HSBC website, increasing their chances for adoption.
Assistants help the photographer to capture the purr-fect photos of our irresistible, adoptable pets for the HSBC website.
Assistants must have dog handling experience with large dogs and no physical limitations.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required. Shifts are from 1:30pm-3:30pm weekdays.

Animal Assisted Therapy
Certify your pet in our AAT program to share their love and comfort with those in care facilities, nursing homes and hospitals. Share the special touch and spirit of your pet visiting people in libraries, schools, in virtual gatherings, and other special places.

Videographers capture short, high-quality clips of our pets in action to be posted alongside their photograph on our website.
Must have dog handling experience with large dogs and no physical limitations.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required. Shifts are from 11:00pm-2:00pm weekdays.

Our bathers wash the dogs prior to going into surgery, then they bathe some of the dogs in the kennels. We want to make sure they stay fresh and happy while they’re with us.
Must have dog handling experience with large dogs and no physical limitations.
Shift: Once a week commitment is required on the same day and time each week. Bathers are here seven days a week from 9:00am through 12:00pm.

Behavior Helpline
Help pets be a welcome member of their family and remain home with them. Behavior helpline volunteers provide support and education to pet owners calling about problematic behavior.
Requirement: experience in positive reinforcement training and animal behavior.
Shift: Varies, with calls made from home.

Cat PAL — Petting, Attention and Love!
Trained volunteers help meet the social and emotional needs of our shelter cats through one-on-one interaction.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Cats in Progress
Know cats? Volunteers familiar with cats’ behavior work one-on-one with select kitties to build a behavior profile of their characteristics and traits for potential adoptive families.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required. Cats in Progress operates Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am.

Trained volunteers clean instruments, put surgical packs together, and help retrieve and return animals to and from their kennel.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Dog PAL — Petting, Attention and Love!
Trained volunteers help meet the social and emotional needs of our shelter pups through one-on-one interaction with them in the kennel, noting observed behaviors. This is a very hands-on, physical position.
Must have dog handling experience with large dogs and no physical limitations.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Education Outreach
Volunteers teach children and adults the responsibilities of caring for a pet. Topics covered are pet safety, overpopulation, adoption and making a lifetime commitment to your pet. Education positions are sometimes shelter based or out in the community and schools. A monthly calendar of events is sent to all Education volunteers. Opportunities exist to bring your own dog after it passes the Education Dog evaluation.
Shift: As needed.

Dog Walker
Dog Walking Volunteers walk dogs on a pre-determined route on shelter grounds for exercise and stimulation. Personal experience with different dog breeds is required and the ability to control dogs of all sizes is mandatory.
Must have dog handling experience with large dogs and no physical limitations.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Foster Families
Volunteers provide temporary care for puppies, kittens, or special-needs animals readying for adoption. An initial supply of pet food and other necessary items are provided by HSBC.

Wanted: Warm welcomes! Greeters are the first point of contact for patrons visiting our shelter lobby. Greeters direct visitors to requested areas and provide general shelter, adoption or programming information.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Go-Home Assistant
In our customer service department, trained volunteers complete adoption paperwork and review it with the adopting family. When paperwork is complete, you retrieve the adopted dog, cat or other small animal for going home! Volunteers must be able to walk and control dogs of all sizes, including 70+ pounds.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Animal Care Dog Kennels
This important position works alongside our Animal Care staff to keep the dog kennels clean, to feed the dogs, make sure they have toys to play with and to lend a hand with enrichment and general cleaning.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Animal Care Cattery
The cattery volunteers make sure the cats, bunnies, guinea pigs and any other small animals in our cattery have a clean environment, fresh water and food and lots of petting and socialization.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required. We offer three shifts per day.

Pet Boutique
People-oriented pet lovers enjoy the bustle of the boutique, interacting with patrons, helping shoppers choose items, ringing up sales and restocking inventory.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Customer Service Phones
Assist the customer service adoption team by managing a busy phone line with calls from the public. Greet, direct, and educate patrons about responsible pet ownership as needed.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Retired or current law enforcement personnel generously donate their time to ensure the safety and security of the shelter.
Shift: Once a week commitment is required on the same day and time each week. Security positions are available seven days per week.

Pups in Progress
Dog whisperer? Knowledgeable volunteers work one-on-one with select dogs to evaluate different behaviors such as walking on a leash, basic commands and more to build a profile for potential adopters. You must be able to walk and control dogs 70+ pounds.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required. Cats in Progress operates Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am.

Shelter Guide
It’s about the right fit! Shelter Guide volunteers provide basic information and measured guidance to patrons in the kennel and cattery about responsible adoptions that suit their lifestyle. Guides roam the area armed with a tablet to help locate adoptable animals and answer patron questions.
Shift: Same day and time weekly required.

Shelter Services
This position is currently on hold..

Vaccine Clinic Greeter
The Vaccine Clinic Greeter welcomes clients and their pets who are visiting the shelter to receive annual vaccinations. The Greeter goes over available packages with the patrons, and lets them know when the clinic is ready to see them.
Shift: Once a week commitment is required on the same day and time each week. Vaccine Clinic Greeter positions are available Monday through Friday.
Email [email protected] if you require additional information.