Do you love your HSBC alumnus? If so, we always love to hear how they’re doing in their new family – like Junior’s family did below.
Do you have a shelter success story of your own? Please click here or you can email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Shelter Success Story.”
I just wanted to reach out and give everyone at the Humane Society of Broward an update on the immense joy that Junior, now Oliver, has brought to our lives over the past year:
Oliver is the biggest ball of love and goofiness! Some of his favorite things involve chasing his tail on top of his cat tree, climbing literally anything and taking turns scaring his sister, Emma.
My husband and I couldn’t imagine our lives without this little guy and his big purr-sonality!
Thank you for your presence on Instagram which is what led us to meet him! We are forever grateful!!”